Monday, February 6, 2017

Coloring page--angel with a violin

Seasonal illness in my family and me has slowed me down lately, and getting my next angel coloring page done took a lot longer than I expected. Even now, I'm not happy with how the scanning and Photoshop worked out (it should have been so simple), and I don't like the trees, but I need to move on. I was pleased, though. when this week's Illustration Friday prompt "up" seemed fitting.

I still haven't gotten my last drawing of the angel with the animals properly scanned and cleaned up. That's at the top of my list. Next is designing a wedding invitation for dear friends. After that I will turn my angel with the violin into a watercolor and colored pencil picture.


  1. I love your drawing. There is movement in the grass to the music. Reminds me of Vincent Van Gogh. This angel is different. I like her dark hair and facial features. Other details I love - flowers in the grass. Trees in the distance. She seems very contemporary. Another wonderful angel.

  2. Thank you! I was trying to make the grass have the almost furry look that grass sometimes has when it is long but is not yet gone to seed, though over all I did it too dark for this. And then under her feet it is pressed down into different directions. I hope I can keep that movement in the color version. She will have dark, African skin but I didn't want to ink that in, in case someone actually wants to color this.:)

  3. This would be fun to color to see all the details up close. It would be an honor also. :-).

    1. I think you should be able to print this out to color, if you want. I think it would be really fun to print these in a light gray ink on watercolor paper, then you could paint it and control the darkness of the lines.

  4. She's a beauty. I like all the swirling lines and movement of dress, feathers, grass, flowers, and clouds. I hope you're feeling better!

    1. Thank you! I was really trying to think about how all those lines were moving. I am feeling better, but I can't wait for spring sunshine.
