Thursday, November 24, 2016

Illustration Friday: Spider

Loula is a bluebird with refined, somewhat extravagant tastes, and she loves the custom
spider-spun lace curtains Mme. Arachne has almost finished for her.


  1. This is beautiful, and such a good concept too!

  2. So glad you are publishing again ;-). Your drawing is lovely. Exquisite. Delicate. Delightful. What a creative idea. I greatly admire the weaving skills of spiders. Your respect for and understanding of nature are revealed in your art. In the spring here there is a faerie festival where your work would be appreciated and would probably sell well.

  3. Thank you, Aunt Deanna. I'm really glad to be drawing again too. Its surprising how awkward and rusty I felt after months of not drawing. I always look forward to your encouraging comments.

  4. I've shared your drawing with friends and they love it. Professional quality.
